AT LAST! Now, there’s a better smarter way to pick, pack, contain AND carry dog poo!
You pick up poop because you’re a conscientious dog owner - but you hate that squishy feeling beneath your fingers? Good news! The world’s first one-push poop scoop - the Poopsta - is here to save your day bringing you all these amazing benefits .....
Do you want an easy-to-use completely hygienic solution?
One push is all it takes to pick up. What could be easier? And when used as directed the Poopsta never comes into contact with the dog poop making it completely hygienic.
Are you tired of nappy bags swinging from leads?
There’s never a dog bin handy when you need one is there? Without a Poopsta, most dog owners leave bagged poop dangling from leads. Perhaps becoming aware of a faint smell of dog poo in the air as you walk?
Poopsta means no more swinging nappy bags. It contains and carries bagged dog poop safely behind the odour-minimising lid. Use the Poopsta easy-clip shoulder strap to carry bagged poop hands free!
Does your dog do more than one poop? Or do you walk more than one dog?
If only dogs did just one poop on each walk, life would be so much simpler - wouldn't it? Perhaps you walk more than one dog? We have some great news. Poopsta has 'multi-poop capacity'. That means you can pick, pack, contain and carry more than one poop - one after another. Simply load the band, put the Poopsta in the bag and give poop the push each time. Watch this amazing video ..
Wow! The only limit to the number of poops is the volume of each individual dog poop. (Current exchange rates approximate two dobermans is equal to five chihuahuas!!)
Do you find it difficult to bend down to pick up?
The Poopsta pooper scooper is perfect for anyone who finds it difficult to bend down to pick up. It stands 20cm high. And it’s amazing what a difference that final 20cm of bending can make!
Better still, the Poopsta easy-clip shoulder strap can be used to lower the Poopsta over the poop. Then scoop the poop by lightly stepping on top of the Poopsta with your foot. No bending required! Here’s the proof ...
And there’s more! Watch THIS video as Poopsta picks up BIG POO with just ONE PUSH!